Monday, August 20, 2012

Maybe…  the best thing that could happen to the United States, and the world, might just be a total shutdown of our electrical grid. 

Ok, I said it.  I have been reading, watching television, and listening to the news.  We are guilty of harming our environment in so many ways.  From Styrofoam and plastic, to aerosols and hybrid seeds.  We miniaturize animals for our own twisted view.  We burn fossil fuels like there is no tomorrow, we spend all of our limited income on garbage made oversees by exploited children, to impress people we don’t like, with things we cannot afford, bought on credit cards we can’t pay for with a job that just doesn’t go far enough no matter how much “more” we have.

In the first 20 seconds after a worldwide blackout, imagine the silence.   No cell phones ringing, no cars moving, no train whistles, no radios blaring.  Just the stunned silence of a world that can’t hear anymore because of the cacophony of noise pollution. 

After the initial tribulation period where everything we know is changed.  After the horrific hell on earth scenario that we all suffer, something will happen.  Those that prepared, or got lucky, or got real mean, will be alive. 

After the long night of solitude, we will slowly move back towards an agricultural society.  Growing our own crops, making our own goods, bartering and taking care of our neighbors. 

After a year or so, imagine how clean the air will be.  How thriving the oceans will become.  Those living near the coast will feast like kings.  Imagine if you will, waking up without an alarm clock.  No need to get dressed up and sit in your car for your morning commute to a job moving text from one location to another, which is what most of the white collar jobs are.   No, now you will simply put on your overalls if you are lucky enough to own some, and head out to the field to tend the crops so you can put up as much as possible before the winter comes.  Your meals will move from fast food chain slop back to wholesome food of vegetables mostly with wild game meat that has no preservatives or additives other than salt if you can get it. 

We would be raising our children to hunt, fish, forage, plant, grow, harvest, create, and make of them men and women, instead of couch potatoes with no future except living with mom and dad till they are 35. 

Faith would be renewed.  God is easy to forget when things are good, but when things are reduced back to the basics, there is an awful lot of time for getting back to knowing your creator. 

What has become of our country?  We banter back and forth over republican and democratic politicians that we wouldn’t trust a one of them to cut our grass, much less enter our homes.  We vote for “our side”, without realizing that we’re voting for one head of a two headed monster.  We have seen the beast of Armageddon, and its name is American politics.   Regardless of who wins, America loses.  The republicans protect the wealthy and promise us trickledown economics.  The democrats want to take the money of the rich and hand it out to the poor.  No one protects the middle class because we’re all so busy making money for the rich and the poor that we don’t have time to do anything besides produce and consume.   Let’s go buy that new $40,000 car and enslave ourselves for the next 7 years.  Let’s take on a massive mortgage for a house that is 10 times larger than we need and probably 20 times larger than houses that our great grandparents raised 17 people in.  We buy these mcmansions and live in a palace where we never see one another.  When you can watch TV in 8 different places in the home something is wrong.  The family dining room table is a great place to pile up items that need to be moved to another location, but when did American families stop sitting around the table?   A family that eats together has a distinct advantage of the family running on the go and eating apart. 

While we’re at it, what happened to American families in general?  Real men stick around.  Real women stick around.  If you can’t get that simple concept STOP HAVING KIDS!  Marriage is supposed to be forever.  Not until it’s convenient for you to move on.  If we would spend more time thinking about our families and less time whining about our own selfish needs, we would all be so much better off.

 I read somewhere, that if you spend your marriage trying to out serve your spouse that you will have a happy life.  That is the advice I offer to young people as they get married.  Serve your spouse.  Eject jealousy from your soul.   When you wake up, your first thought should be about your family, not yourself. 

2012 is upon us.  According to like 5 different ancient civilizations, we are either coming to an end or entering into a new period of enlightenment.  Possibly both.  While it is very important to always be prepared for anything, (food, water, shelter), between now and December should be your prep time.  Maybe nothing will happen.  Chances are this is going to be another Y2K all over again.  Yet, we don’t know what is going to happen when the sun moves into the exact center of the galaxy for the first time in 26,000 years.  Maybe nothing… maybe something?

Now is the time to prepare, not for ancient aliens returning to hunt us for sports, or for the end of the world, but for the protection of our way of life, and our family sanctity.  Food storage is cheap if you do it correctly, and will give you a feeling of peace, knowing that you have an abundant food source. 

So take care of your family, love one another, and prepare yourselves. 

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